Alberto Villa wrote:
> On Thursday 10 June 2010 17:39:52 Anonymous wrote:
> > IANAL, but I think LGPL3 is applicable here, too. So, I've tried to set
> >   LICENSE= LGPL21+
> > but it doesn't work. I've figured this will work
> >   LICENSE_COMB= dual
> > Is this correct usage or I'm missing smth?
> that's what you're supposed to do, as far as i understand

This doesn't seem right: "LGPL21 or any later version" is very
different from "LGPL21 or LGPL3". Also, how should one describe the
difference between a "GPL3" and a "GPL3 or any later version" licence?

There might not be a newer version right now, but there will be in the
future and it would be rather annoying if we'd have to check all the
software licences again when this version is released. We'd then have to
change the licence registration for each such port, even though neither
the software nor its licence text has changed - but only because of
limitations of our framework.

Since this is a very common practice with GPL and LGPL licences, imho
it seems sensible to make this distinction right from the start and use
different keywords for software with/without the "or any later version"


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