On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 1:28 AM, Darren Pilgrim <free...@bitfreak.org> wrote:
> I need testers for an update to the sysutils/3dm port.  If you want to help
> test the patch, begin by downloading it from here:
> http://vivi.cat.pdx.edu/3dm2/sysutils_3dm.patch.txt
> You can apply the patch by issuing the command:
> cd /usr/ports/sysutils/3dm && patch < /path/to/sysutils_3dm.patch.txt
> The updated port should install v2.11.00.009 on 7.x and earlier and
> v2.09.01.004 on 8.x and later.  Please test the port installs, runs and
> functions correctly.  When reporting, please include the following
> information:
> - RAID controller model
> - FreeBSD version (be specific, uname -r output is good)
> - OS architecture (i386 or amd64)
> - Outcome of test

FreeBSD thehive.sd73.bc.ca 8.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-PRERELEASE #0:
Fri Jun 11 13:10:12 PDT 2010
3Ware 9550SXU-16ML
3Ware 9650SE-12ML

Patch successful.  3dm2 upgraded from 2.04 to 2.09.  Started fine.
Able to login.  Able to navigate around and twiddle options on both

Freddie Cash
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