Quoth Janne Snabb on Thursday, 22 July 2010:
> On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Jerry wrote:
> >Then again, perhaps we should just remove the handbook all together and
> >let everyone figure it out for themselves. No dumbing down at all
> >required. We certainly would not want to over do the 'friendly'
> >concept. I suppose some of use, you obviously, knew it all when you
> >started out.
> <sarcasm>
> I think there should be also a comment in addition to the backticks
> issue that one should press ENTER key after they have successfully
> entered all the required characters. This way we can teach all the
> UNIX basics in one single document "The Porters Handbook" and will
> have a tremendous success attracting people to learn UNIX by
> submitting broken ports and asking basic questions on this mailing
> list.
> </sarcasm>
> PS. Flame me if you like.
There are places to teach basic shell scripting, but the Porter's Handbook
is not one of them, IMHO.  Perhaps a "(note the backticks)" is
appropriate for a web-based document because of potential font mangling,
but I'd stick with the version of the command that's most universally
applicable rather than the most readable.

Sterling (Chip) Camden    | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
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