
I have been trying to use the flickfs library(1) to mount my flickr
photostream for local editing/backup with limited success. My guess is
it's fallen behind where FUSE is these days.

The most recent version is more than 3 years old and perhaps the FUSE
development space is too volatile for it to still work.

I expect this would be a useful port for FreeBSD users as it gets rid
of web page-based management and allows more control over one's work.
Would you or anyone who understands FUSE be interested in getting this
to work? Here's where I have gotten it so far:

o   I get authentication to work (uses the standard Flickr token passing).
o   FUSE takes the mount point and attaches the flickr stream to it
and I get lots of helpful log messages.
o   But the mount point itself is inaccessible.

/dev/fuse0     2.0G      0B    2.0G     0%    /mnt/flickr

[/home/paul]:: file /mnt/flickr
/mnt/flickr: cannot open `/mnt/flickr' (Invalid argument)

08/10/10 02:19:26 flickrfs       INFO    Dummy-1
__sync_set_in_background set /sets/Nov 2, 2009 sync successfully
08/10/10 02:19:26 flickrfs       INFO    Dummy-1
__sync_set_in_background syncing set /sets/Oct 31, 2009
08/10/10 02:19:26 flickrfs.trans DEBUG   Dummy-1
getPhotosFromPhotoset  set id: 72157622581882143
08/10/10 02:19:27 flickrfs       DEBUG   Dummy-1    _sync_code
    new image found: /sets/Oct 31, 2009/IMG_0577.jpg

And umounting gives me back the directory:

[/home/paul]:: umount /mnt/flickr
(p...@shuttle.paulbeard.org)-(10:50 AM / Tue Aug 10)
[/home/paul]:: df
Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad2s1a    507630   409550    57470    88%    /
devfs               1        1        0   100%    /dev
/dev/ad2s1e    507630       46   466974     0%    /tmp
/dev/ad2s1f 111232718 88209744 14124358    86%    /usr
/dev/ad2s1d   2012718  1198316   653386    65%    /var
devfs               1        1        0   100%    /var/named/dev
(p...@shuttle.paulbeard.org)-(10:50 AM / Tue Aug 10)
[/home/paul]:: file /mnt/flickr/
/mnt/flickr/: directory

[/home/paul]:: python flickrfs.py /mnt/flickr/
Authorizing with flickr...
Authorization complete.

1. http://sites.google.com/site/manishrjain/flickrfs

Paul Beard / www.paulbeard.org/
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