On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 20:46:49 +0200
DZIOBAK <dzioba...@interia.pl> articulated:

> Could you please tell me when can be released dovecot-1.2.14 and 
> dovecot-2.0.1? The versions 1.2.13 and 2.0.0 are released for couple
> of weeks, but ports are not created.

While releasing the former into the ports system is a worthwhile goal,
it would be a mistake IMHO to do the same for the latter. The software
author is releasing on what appears to be an almost hourly schedule,
patches to the base program. Until it stabilizes, I would not recommend
releasing it into the wild. If it has as many problems as it appears to
on the system it was written on, one can only imagine what sort of
problems await FreeBSD users.

Just my 2¢.

Jerry ✌

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