It looks to me like the tarball you have in /usr/ports/distfiles,
probably from a previous build attempt, it incomplete or corrupt.  The
checksum validation failure is proof of this.  I'm betting the file on
your system is too small.

ls -l /usr/ports/distfiles/gnome2/libxml2-2.7.7.tar.gz should tell
you what size the file is.  A proper file:

-rw-r--r--    1 root      wheel     4868502 15 Mar  2010 

I think the modification time mismatch indicates that fetch is trying to
resume the transfer (e.g. pick up where the corrupted file left off),
but the resume can't happen for the above reason.

If you attempt "make distclean", then "make install clean", it should
re-fetch the entire tarball from scratch.

You where right! the distclean made it work.

Thank you
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