On Sun, 21 Nov 2010 13:25:13 +0100, Anders F Björklund wrote:

> Chris Rees wrote:
>>> For PackageKit's "app-install", I wanted to list all ports/packages
>>> that had a .desktop file (= an "app").
>> I may be misunderstanding you here, but you could just:
>> [ch...@amnesiac]~% echo /usr/ports/*/*/pkg-plist | xargs egrep
>> '\.desktop$' | sed 's|/usr/ports/[a-zA-Z]*/||' > contains_desktop
> That could work too (?),

It won't because plist can be generated

> Just thought the MANIFEST could be generated with the packages ? That
> way you wouldn't need to install the ports collection first.

pkg_info -qL your-package.tbz

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