On Sun 21 Nov 2010 at 22:01:28 PST Janky Jay, III wrote:

   Almost anyone who is an only semi-serious port maintainer (meaning
they only have a select few number of ports to maintain and are only
trying to contribute/participate) knows that maybe this issue is due
to the porter's handbook. Specifically
which blatantly states that all submissions whether they are new OR
updates be submitted in shar format. Maybe the commiters should bring
this up and have a few less to deal with..? Just a suggestion.

That page doesn't say what you think it says.
Its context is the creation of a new port.  It doesn't say anything
about updating an existing port.

Perhaps the problem is that some people never read the *rest* of the
handbook?  If they would, they'd find this page, which explicitly says
to use 'diff -ruN':

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