2010/12/13 David DEMELIER <demelier.da...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> After an update, I have removed ~/.mupen64plus and
> ~/.config/mupen64plus but it segfaults when starting :
> mark...@melon ~ $ mupen64plus documents/roms/N64/Mario\ Kart\ 64\
> \(U\)\ \[\!\].z64
>  __  __                         __   _  _   ____  _
> |  \/  |_   _ _ __   ___ _ __  / /_ | || | |  _ \| |_   _ ___
> | |\/| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| || |_| |_) | | | | / __|
> | |  | | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | (_) |__   _|  __/| | |_| \__ \
> |_|  |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/   |_| |_|   |_|\__,_|___/
>             |_|         http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/
> Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 1.99.4
> UI-console: attached to core library 'Mupen64Plus Core' version 1.99.4
>            Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.
> Core Warning: Couldn't open configuration file
> '/home/markand/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg'.  Using defaults.
> Core: Goodname: Mario Kart 64 (U) [!]
> Core: Name: MARIOKART64
> Core: MD5: 3A67D9986F54EB282924FCA4CD5F6DFF
> Core: CRC: b655503e 52da922e
> Core: Imagetype: .z64 (native)
> Core: Rom size: 12582912 bytes (or 12 Mb or 96 Megabits)
> Core: Version: 46140000
> Core: Manufacturer: 4e000000
> Core: Country: USA
> UI-Console: Cheat codes disabled.
> UI-console: using Video plugin: <dummy>
> UI-console: using Audio plugin: <dummy>
> UI-console: using Input plugin: <dummy>
> UI-console: using RSP plugin: <dummy>
> Core Warning: No video plugin attached.  There will be no video output.
> Core Warning: No audio plugin attached.  There will be no sound output.
> Core Warning: No input plugin attached.  You won't be able to control the 
> game.
> zsh: segmentation fault  mupen64plus documents/roms/N64/Mario\ Kart\
> 64\ \(U\)\ \[!\].z64
> I wonder why it does not attach any i/o output.
> --
> Demelier David

Well, I see the problem :

mupen64plus --plugindir /usr/local/lib

seems to solve the problem since the mupen64plus plugins are in
/usr/local/lib/ instead of /usr/local/lib/mupen64plus/.

Demelier David
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