Am 15.03.2011 23:19, schrieb Baptiste Daroussin:
2011/3/15 Charlie Kester<>

I see there's been another few batch commits deprecating some
unmaintained ports where "upstream is gone and/or distfile is no longer

Maintainers and prospective maintainers should be sure to look at the
ports listed in these commits.  I don't think much effort was made to
check the availability of the distfiles.  Instead, it seems that all
that was done was to try the MASTER_SITES, etc. from the port Makefiles,
and if the fetch failed, onto the list they went.

NOTE: I'm NOT saying the committers' procedure was too lazy or anything
like that.  There are a lot of these broken ports in the tree, and
deprecation seems like a reasonable step to take -- especially if the
result is to trigger some action from people who want to see these ports

I just rescued one of these, sysutils/lookat, that was deprecated a few
days ago.  I followed the WWW link in the pkg-descr, found that the
author's website was still up and that the distfile could still be
downloaded -- but the download url had changed.  So all the port needed
was a tweak to the MASTER_SITES.

Today I see that the fairly popular graphics/gimpshop has also been
deprecated.  Here the WWW link from pkg-descr also fails, but a quick
websearch found the new (?) official website for this app:, where the distfile is available for download.
So here's another one that can be easily rescued.

And I'll bet there are more.

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I am responsible for the deprecation and I have done more than just look if
the distfiles fetch (I fixed lot of them) I may have missed some for sure,
when when I deprecate sysutils/lookat I wasn't able to join the main website
nor to fetch a distfile.

About gimpshop it may be wrong, but one there website I only found windows
and mac binaries, nothing.

I am human and I can make mistakes. thanks pointing the mistakes.

I really will be happy to remove the deprecation and expiration if people
wanted to maintain or point me to the right WWW and MASTER_SITES for the
given ports.


I generally agree with your approach, and as Doug pointed out, it has worked out fine. Those ports that people had interest in triggered, for instance, Charlie's response.

However, we should be sure to find maintainers before ports are undeprecated, else we run into a cycle of deprecation, reviving the port, deprecating it again, and so on.

Charlie has stated which ports he isn't interested in (and I haven't checked if there are any left where we could offer him maintainership).

For anyone who reads this and is unhappy about the deprecation of a pet port, please feel invited to become a port maintainer -- the porter's handbook has lots of information, and port committers will likely be willing to lend a hand with a new maintainer's first steps.


Best regards

Matthias Andree
ports committer
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