On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:34:35 -0000, Olivier Smedts <oliv...@gid0.org> wrote:

2011/3/23 Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org>:
On 03/23/2011 03:48, Peter Jeffery wrote:

If I was looking for the Opera port, I'd look in www-clients and if
it wasn't in there then the next thing that I would be doing is hand
searching the INDEX file

cd /usr/ports/ && make search name=opera

find /usr/ports -maxdepth 2 -name opera
Slower than make search but faster than building an INDEX file before
make search !

So, considering it is so easy to find where the port it, does it really matter where it goes ?

I would have thought that the only structure that won't result in potential restructuring all
of the time is one that doesn't depend on separation by package class.

So something like:


you can then build category based directories with symlinks to the main location based on what categories the port reports that it is in, but these directories are really just helpers for find ports.

I'm sure that something like this has been mentioned before. But I don't see what else is going to stop
the categorization issue popping up all of the time.

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