On 03/14/2011 05:41, J. Hellenthal wrote:

On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 04:30, mikael.urankar@ wrote:
On Mon 14 March 2011 at 02:44:16AM -0400, J. Hellenthal wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 08:17, mikael.urankar@ wrote:

I'm using sysutils/freebsd-snapshot to make periodic ZFS backup snapshot
and this soft is broken since the upgrade of my pool to ZFSv28.
After some debugging it appears that "zfs list" behaviour has changed
with ZFSv28, and since freebsd-snapshot relies on "zfs list" to retrieve
the "ZFS file system name" from the "mountpoint name" the soft doesn't
work anymore.

output of "zfs list" on a 8.2R amd64 (ZFSv15) :
zfs list /home/murankar
tank/home/murankar 1.47M 1.59T 1.47M /home/murankar

zfs list tank/home/murankar
tank/home/murankar 1.47M 1.59T 1.47M /home/murankar

on a 9-Current amd64 I've got no output for "zfs list /home/murankar"
and a exit code of 1
the output of "zfs list tank/home/murankar" is correct :
tank/home/murankar 6,56G 286G 6,55G /home/murankar

Looking at the output here I am hoping that this is not hand typed! the
character ',' appears in this output which might fool a script into doing
other things if it has not been avoided in the first place.

This is not hand typed and depends on the locale in use :

zfs list tank/home/murankar
tank/home/murankar 6,65G 286G 6,58G /home/murankar

setenv LANG en_US.UTF8
zfs list tank/home/murankar
tank/home/murankar 6.65G 286G 6.58G /home/murankar

freebsd-snapshot set LC_ALL and LANG to C

If you have upgraded that machine to 9-CURRENT and have
sysutils/zfsnap installed I would recommend deleting any snapshots
that you have before it runs the snapshot scripts. This assumes that the
snapshot script might have changed since you upgraded it and that the
snapshot names are different. Better to be on the sane side.

See UPDATING/20100929 for reference.

I've deleted all old snapshots before running the snapshot scripts, but
to not avail.

# Correct syntax:
zfs list pool/dataset1/dataset2

# Incorrect syntax: ( I hope you were hand typing that and missed... )
zfs list /dataset1/dataset2

In fact I was only doing by "hand" what freebsd-snapshot is doing.
See op_make() from /usr/local/sbin/snapshot (near line 285) :

# operate on filesystem
+ echo "XXX zfs list $fs_dir"
if [ ".$zfs_enabled" = .yes ] && (zfs list $fs_dir) >/dev/null
2>&1; then

/usr/local/sbin/snapshot make -g4 /var:test
XXX zfs list /var

Is it the normal behaviour for ZFSv28 or some kind of regression ?

No its not normal, and some sort of regression possible. Though I usually
take regression as performance issues as in speed.


freebsd-snapshot is a set of convenience front-end tools to mount(8)
and mdconfig(8) for the management of UFS2 snapshots. It is
also the under-lying tool used in the periodic snapshot
scheduler periodic-snapshot(8) and the mounting/unmouning
command in the amd(8) map /usr/local/etc/amd.map.snap. It
provides the making, expiring, visiting, mounting and
unmounting of filesystem snapshots.

zfSnap is simple sh script to make rolling zfs snapshots with cron. Main
advantage of zfSnap is that it's written in %100 pure /bin/sh, doesn't
require any additional software to run, and is simple to use.

zfSnap keeps all information about snapshot in snapshot name. zfs snapshot
names are in form: Time-stamp--TTL where time-stamp is date and time of
snapshot creation and TTL is Time To Live in human readable form.

Did you happen to mix the above two up ? If so then rinse and repeat.

Nope, freebsd-snapshot can handle ZFS snapshot and it uses to work fine
with ZFSv{14,15}, see the copyright notice :
FreeBSD UFS/ZFS Snapshot Management Environment, the pkg-descr file
seems outdated.

Thanks for your help.

Since this is s locale dependent script I have added the maintainer to the
CC so he can adjust it properly upstream.

A simple ( export LC_ALL=C ) to the top of the script should fix it

Sorry for late response. I do not have access to CURRENT or a ZFSv28 just now but there is a patch in the port (files/patch-snapshot) that sets the locale to C for compatibility. It's in the install from ports that I use:

egrep -i LC_\|LANG /usr/local/sbin/snapshot

Not sure what the error might come from otherwise. I agree an updated description should indicate the ZFS features of freebsd-snapshot. I will submit something as a port patch. Maybe:

freebsd-snapshot is a snapshot management tool for UFS2 only, ZFS only, and "mixed" systems - one that you can keep on using even as you switch file systems and layouts. freebsd-snapshot provides a uniform interface for all snapshots and simplifies administration if you have a mix of file system types.

Do you have any other suggested changes? Maybe for convenience "snapshot list" could indicate whether a snapshot derives from a ZFS or a UFS file system without requiring the -v flag? Perhaps better documentation of behaviours when a snapshot is ZFS or USF2 based would be helpful. E.g. the "mount" "visit" "umount" are sub-commands are either redundant or do different things if one is using ZFS or UFS2. The script could maybe catch when umount is used for a snapshot that does exist but does not require umount'ing and does not use md(4) (i.e. ZFS snapshots - currently I think that case emits a misleading error message? I can't recall exactly but I remember noticing this once). Mostly quite small changes are all I can think off. Maybe tarsnap integration ? ;-D

Of course a lot of functionality is getting "built-in" to zfs and related zfs only scripts, and I am not sure how much more development or what direction Ralf has planned for his freebsd-snapshot tool. My impression is that *lots* of people are still using UFS2. If SUJ becomes the default for 9.0, UFS2 could soldier on for a long time - even on TB+ file systems - so this simple but excellent tool will remain very useful.


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