The GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) was marked broken by pointyhat sometime back in May, following its update to GHC 7.0.3_1. I'm not sure if anyone has looked at this, but it doesn't appear anyone has. Sorry if any of this is repeated.

I tried building the port yesterday, with both GCC and Clang. The GCC build succeeds, and the compiler seems to work just fine (it has no trouble compiling and installing the haskell-platform port, as well as many of my own haskell programs).

With Clang, an error occurs in one of the configure scripts, because Clang warns about unused command-line arguments, and the configure script assumes that to be a compiler error. You can deal with this by adding -Qunused-parameter to CFLAGS. With this, it builds the bootstrap and stage 1 compilers. However, the stage 1 compiler's parser appears to be broken, as it reports erroneous parse errors on the GHC compiler's source code (and probably for any haskell program, but it never gets a chance to). I'm not sure why this happens, but I will investigate more closely once I deal with some more important issues I'm investigating.

In any case, the port builds fine with GCC. Perhaps it would be prudent to set CC=gcc and CXX=g++ in the makefile for the time being and mark the port as working again?

Eric McCorkle
Computer Science Ph.D Student,
University of Massachusetts
Research Intern, IBM Research
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