On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:44:27PM +0200, Michel Talon wrote:
> >Chad Perrin said:
> >
> >On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:17:12AM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> >> FreeBSD needs to get better in this area, but I seriously doubt it
> >> will
> >> ever be as easy and painless as something like ubuntu.
> >
> >For a great many use cases, Ubuntu is one of the most painful "desktop"
> >user experiences I have ever encountered.  Please, *please* do not
> >emulate Ubuntu.
> Any discussion on such subjects should begin by switching off the reality
> distortion field. For *my own experience* Ubuntu works perfectly OK, in
> particular all the hardware on my laptop works, suspend works, i have
> zero problem keeping the "ports" updated, etc. It is the completely no
> fuss solution. Wether FreeBSD needs to go in a direction or another is a
> different subject, but *please* be objective in your descriptions.

There's no reality distortion field here, unless it's yours.  Neither
Ubuntu nor FreeBSD is objectively better.  Each is better for specific
use cases.  Your *subjective* experience of no fuss is based on a wildly
different set of priorities than me.  If you prefer Ubuntu's usability
priorities, I wish you'd just use Ubuntu, rather than try to convince
people that it's "objectively" better than FreeBSD -- thus implying
FreeBSD should emulate as if it is without flaws.

> By the way:
> >it installs software and runs
> >servers the user will never have any occasion to use, with no obvious
> >way
> >to deactivate them; and it essentially enforces the use of huge
> >collections of software by way of hopelessly intertangled dependencies.
> is a sentence you can easily apply to any modern system. And most users
> could not care less that there is *bloat* on their hard disk. Anyways
> you can find a functional and installable desktop Ubuntu system
> on a simple CDROM, show me the same for FreeBSD and i will happily
> conclude it is less bloated. And for the same price you have on said
> CDROM a live system and an installer which is not a joke like FreeBSD
> one. Wonder why one system has more users than the other ...

That would have been much shorter if you just said:

"I can't tell the difference between the two where it matters, and I have
different priorities than you."  Of course, your goal is apparently to
convince me that yours are the "correct" priorities.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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