Chris, good day.

Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 03:32:43PM +0100, Chris Rees wrote:
> I'm having a look at modifying INDEX to have a field at the end (to
> cause minimum breakage), but I've discovered that in a few ports there
> (6630 out of 22731) appears to be extra 'stuff' in fields past field
> 10 (which is for the first WWW: line in pkg-descr).
> Can anyone with knowledge of make index explain why this is happening?
> Using the command line at [1] gets a list
> [crees@hydra]~% alias findextrasinindex "< `make -C /usr/ports -V
> INDEXDIR`/`make -C /usr/ports -V INDEXFILE` grep -n
> '^\([^|]*|\)\{11\}[^|]\+'"

This regexp won't catch empty field #12, so you're effectively counting
the number of entries with non-empty field #12:
$ cat INDEX-9 | cut -f 12 -d '|' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l
$ grep -n '^\([^|]*|\)\{11\}[^|]\+' INDEX-9 | wc -l

Every line in INDEX has 13 fields:
$ grep -n '^\([^|]*|\)\{12\}[^|]*$' INDEX-9 | wc -l
$ wc -l INDEX-9
   22287 INDEX-9
as every line in 'make describe':
$ make -C archivers/fastjar describe | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l

> They have extra fields on the end ... Where have they come from??

There are no extra fields, but /usr/ports/Tools/make_index just
reorders them: the order becomes 0...6, 10, 11, 7...9, 12 if compared
to the initial field indices.  What is effectively done by 'make
index' in the case of fastjar index line is the following:
(make -C archivers/fastjar describe; \
 make -C lang/perl5.8 describe; \
 make -C devel/gmake describe) | \
perl /usr/ports/Tools/make_index 2>/dev/null | \
sed -e 's/  */ /g' -e 's/|  */|/g' -e 's/  *|/|/g' -e 's./.^A.g' | \
sort -t '|' +1 -2 | sed -e 's.^A./.g' | grep ^fastjar
and '^A' here is the real '^A', not two chars '^' and 'A'.

make_index respects the trailing fields (those that come after 13th)
and they will be put to the end, so if you will add something
as additional trailing field produced by 'make describe', it will
survive piping through make_index and will be in its place in the
INDEX file.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
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