On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 11:39:14AM +0200, Michel Talon wrote:
> My point is that there shouldn't be any edge cases

In a perfect world: yes.

> I certainly don't have any precise idea of the things which should be
> changed so that edge cases disappear

Well, then, we're right back where we started.

> only *very experienced* people having observed a lot of failure cases
> could give correct advices.

And we haven't figured them out yet.

As the tools get better (which they are), we can get more insight into
this.  But, as you already understand, it's really hard.

> Having a file which documents manual intervention is a perpetual
> tenptation to do the things the sloppy way

I disagree with your logic.  None of the FreeBSD committers _want_ this
to be difficult.

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