... for helping me set my priorities strait. [2]

It used to be fun to be here.

I understand that, in general, people want to help.

I understand that there can be a lot of useful input from people that
actually do nothing or next to nothing in terms of coding, documenting
and so on.

I understand that perfectly reasonable and intelligent people might
differ about various issues.

It used to be good being here.

What I CAN NOT understand is when people start insulting other people
from the community. This is the point where my understanding and
sympathy stops.

PLEASE take a break. Go back on vacation. Whatever it takes to cool

Come back in two weeks and think it over.
Be polite. At very least be polite. Curb your sarcasm.
No one is after *you*.
No one wants to sink the FreeBSD ship.
The opposite.

It used to be fun to be here. 
It used to be good.

I don't see what you'll gain when the 90% of top very active committers
[3] (think gnome, think kde, thing office, think infrastructure, think
$little_ports that 3 people use) dread to open freebsd-ports mail
folder; when after reading a couple of messages they'd rather go drink
something, watch TV, or whatever, instead of doing something for

You disagree with this or that or the other one? Put a team together or
be the lone warrior and start DOING something. Be clear, succinct and,
again, POLITE when you write about your new project.
You can convince the others? You know how to do it better? You don't
know how do to it better, but you think you can motive and manage
people that do know? You can take all our work, for FREE, under the most
permissive license out there. Fork. Do it better; for others; for you;
for us; for me.

The rest of you, please
> ssh freefall.freebsd.org "tail -2 /etc/motd"
and keep up the good work.

[1] YOU (plural). I shouldn't need to tell you who you are. I won't.
You demotivated me more that enough.
[3] Just in case you were wondering, it's a real number, not something
I came up with.

It used to be fun to be here. It used to be good. It USED to be.

[2] No, I'm not going away. I put to much work and time in FreeBSD.
But, for the foreseeable future, if you need to contact me about my
ports, or other work, or anything else, mail me directly; I won't be
reading this list.

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"
FreeBSD committer -> ite...@freebsd.org, PGP Key ID 057E9F8B493A297B
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