Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 06:45:06PM +0000, Erwin Lansing wrote:
> INDEX build failed with errors:
> Generating INDEX-7 - please wait.."/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", 
> line 2323: Malformed conditional (${PREFIX} == /usr)
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 2959: Malformed conditional 
> (${PREFIX} == /usr)
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 3060: Malformed conditional 
> (${PREFIX} == /usr)
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 3062: if-less else
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 3064: if-less endif
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 5774: Malformed conditional 
> ((${PREFIX} != ${LOCALBASE} && ${PREFIX} != ${X11BASE} && ${PREFIX} != 
> ${LINUXBASE} && ${PREFIX} != "/usr"))
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 5779: if-less endif
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 6292: if-less endif
> "/a/erwin/tindex/ports/Mk/", line 6295: if-less endif
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> ===> databases/postgresql-docs failed
> *** Error code 1
> *** Error code 1

Sorry, it was me.  I beleive it will be fixed with this commit:
At least it fixes that for me.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
[ 82FE 06BC D497 C0DE 49EC  4FF0 16AF 9EAE 8152 ECFB | ]

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