On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Doug Barton wrote:

I receive PDF documents with URLs that I need to click, and so I would like to get that working in acroread8. I symlink'ed firefox into /compat/linux/usr/local/bin, and set the preferences in acroread accordingly. That got me from a "firefox not found" error to this, printed out in the terminal:

libfam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiofam.so

Since I have that lib installed as a result of the linux-base port, I assume that what is missing is something that it depends on.

Any help resolving this is welcome.

Alternatively, if I could extract the URL from the link, that'd be awesome too. :)

I am not sure if this will help your problem, but here is my fix. I wrote a wrapper script around /usr/local/bin/firefox:

#!/usr/local/bin/zsh -e

# Allow firefox to be executed from a Linux application such as Acrobat Reader
# 8.  Acrobat Reader 9 does not appear to need this.

/usr/local/bin/firefox "${@}" &!

There is a lot more junk in mine, but this allows me to click on links within a PDF.

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