On 02/25/2012 16:33, Royce Williams wrote:
> I really did mean that I was looking for a Rosetta Stone

Yes, I know what a Rosetta Stone is, so I understood what you were
asking for. But there are (at least) 3 problems with that approach:

1. I never used portupgrade, so I couldn't answer those questions anyway.
2. By trying to "cheat" the learning process you miss out on the ability
to challenge your own thinking about why and how you do things. And finally,
3. They are different tools, with different approaches, and not
everything you did with portupgrade can (or often should) translate
directly to something you can or should do with portmaster.

Don't bother with the output of --help now, it is there only for a quick
reference once you've learned something about how the program works.
There is no substitute for *actually reading the man page.*

If, instead of trying to find ways not to read it, you had spent the 10
or 20 minutes it should take you to *actually* read it, you'd be well on
you way by now. :)



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