On Feb 20, 2012, at 5:50 PM, Olivier Smedts wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anything changed recently regarding Firefox and Thunderbird
> localization / global extensions ?
> Since Firefox 10.0 I don't have localized menus anymore.
> % ls /var/db/pkg/ | grep firefox
> firefox-10.0.1,1
> firefox-i18n-10.0.1
> % grep 'WITH_' /var/db/ports/firefox-i18n/options
> % grep 'general.useragent.locale' ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js
> user_pref("general.useragent.locale", "fr-FR");
> But Firefox still has english menus. It has been working since Firefox
> 3 through Firefox 9, and the localization stopped working with Firefox
> 10.0. It did not come back with Firefox 10.0.1. The same thing applies
> for Thunderbird 10. I also tried with the switcher extension, no luck.
> Tried with a new profile, with different values (like "fr" only) for
> general.useragent.locale, with 'firefox -UILocale "fr-FR"' or 'firefox
> -UILocale "fr"'... nothing made it. I found no xpi, they seem to be
> extracted.
> % find /usr/local/ -name \*.xpi | wc -l
>       0
> % ll /usr/local/lib/xpi/
> total 1
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   5 14 fév 12:37 langpack...@firefox.mozilla.org
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel   5 14 fév 12:38 
> langpack...@thunderbird.mozilla.org
> drwxr-xr-x   7 root  wheel  11 14 fév 12:17 lightn...@thunderbird.mozilla.org
> drwxr-xr-x  12 root  wheel  12 14 fév 12:38 symlinks
> Any advice ?

I had some time to take a look at it. When extracting the content of the
xpi into the corresponding directory in /usr/local/lib/xpi/ the langpacks
are working again. In the past we created a jar file out of the locale
directory because the content differs between each langpack and it was a
very time-consuming task to update all the langpacks:
${LOCALBASE}/bin/zip -r ../$$lang.jar locale; \

Unfortunately it looks like this does no longer work…

Currently I'm looking for a solution to extract the xpi as it is and
dynamically generating the plist in the ports Makefile.

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