On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:31:13 +1000
Da Rock articulated:

> > Also, please show the content of your /etc/make.conf, it could be
> > that you are mangling include flags.  
> make.conf:
> end of make.conf ;)
> Well thats not entirely accurate, I only have a USE_OPENSSL_BASE and
> the usual perl stuff and thats all.
> I get a bit of a kick out of that when someone asks if there's
> something in the make.conf- I only use some of the kerberos options
> on occasion when called for (not lately), but I learnt my lesson a
> long time ago: don't touch the make.conf! I created some issues in
> the past doing that... :)

You have effectively shown us nothing. If you don't want to reveal the
contents of your "make.conf" file, then simply say so. This poppycock
nonsense about the "usual perl stuff" is useless. I checked, and I have
exactly two lines that reference perl:

# added by use.perl 2012-03-08 19:17:29

Are these the "usual perl stuff" you are referencing? If so, then your
"make.conf" file consists of only three lines; two if you don't count
comments. Is that a correct statement?

I have samba34-3.4.14 installed and it works fine and I did not have to
mangle the "Makefile" or install additional software in order to
accomplish that feat. Since you, according to you, appear to be the
only user afflicted by this condition, it is readily apparent that the
problem exists on your end. Your unwillingness to supply unredacted
information and documentation raises doubts as to the validity of your

For grins, have you tried doing a "make rmconfig-recursive" in the
samba port and then running something like: "portmanager net/samba34 -f
-l" which would effectively rebuild samba and all of the ports it
depends on? You should probably remove "libnet" or what ever
extraneous port you installed to get samba to install in the first
place first. While you are at it, move your "/etc/make.conf" file out of
the way and have the port build with a truly "empty" file.

Jerry ♔

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