On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 08:19:49AM +0200, Dominic Fandrey wrote:
> There are a couple of issues that prevent tinderbox from creating
> tinderbox packages.
> The first issue, which prevents packaging on RELENG_9 is simply a
> wrong dependency path for x11-fonts/liberation-fonts-ttf. This one
> should be simple.
> On RELENG_8 and RELENG_9 tinderbox doesn't see the dependency on
> lang/clang. Thus the port installs it and tinderbox complains about
> an mtree error.
> I'm currently testing fixes for both.

Thank is really strange to me, both passes my tinderboxes,

Concerning 9 it uses clang from base so it should need lang/clang, 8.2 should
automatically detect that it needs lang/clang and this works here

for liberation-fonts-tff, looks strange, but I'll double check


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