On 02/06/2012 07:59, Heino Tiedemann wrote:
> WOW - is the realy no other posibillity for PNG than rebuild all
> depended Ports?
> It is al lot! it will cost me three days
> Realy no other possibility?!

You need to rebuild all the ports that install binaries that link
against libpngNN.so.NN.  That is actually a subset of the ports that
depend on graphics/png -- unfortunately it takes some effort to identify
precisely what does need rebuilding.  There is the pkg_libchk script
(which is part of sysutils/bsdadminscripts) that can help.

However all ports that are known to depend on graphics/png have had
portrevision bumps even when this makes no difference what so ever --
such as for ports that install pure perl code -- so the normal process
of maintaining your ports will eventually result in your rebuilding
everything in your list.

Use pkg_libchk to prioritise the ports that really need to be rebuilt.
Also, when upgrading graphics/png remember to use 'portmaster -w' or
equivalent to preserve a copy of the old shlib, otherwise a lot of your
apps will stop working for the duration of the upgrade session.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey

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