Kaya Saman wrote on 06.06.2012 15:02:
On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov<cvs-...@yandex.ru>  wrote:
Hi Kaya,

Kaya Saman wrote on 06.06.2012 14:30:

Can someone suggest anything or am I stuck with Linux for Zenoss?

Would you disclose some details like what the exact problem is, which error
messages you are seeing, what isn't works as expected? From which version
you are migrating (which version you have installed on a Linux boxes)?
FreeBSD port of Zenoss seems slightly outdated.


Tinderboxing kills... the drives.

Sorry for the non-existant information......

FreeBSD version is 3.1.0 built fresh from ports - clean install

CentOS 6.2 version is 3.2.1 - I think I got directly from zenoss
homepage though can't quite remember now! Again clean install

Unfortunatley the version in FreeBSD seems to be missing a few
bits.... I am unable to get the Web-UI (Zope) running.

Changing the /usr/local/zenoss/etc/zope.conf file was the easy part
but there are many inconsistancies....

This is what the tty gives on a restart:

Daemon: zopectl exec: /usr/local/zenoss/python/bin/zopectl: not found
Daemon: zeoctl Error: no program specified; use -p or -C
For help, use /usr/local/zenoss/bin/zeoctl -h
Daemon: zeoctl Error: no program specified; use -p or -C
For help, use /usr/local/zenoss/bin/zeoctl -h
Daemon: zopectl exec: /usr/local/zenoss/python/bin/zopectl: not found

This error is after I copied over zopectl from the Linux version!

I didn't find zopectl on the system at all, unless I looked in the wrong place?



Did you initialize zenoss instance? zopectl should be copied after that.

[rm@smeshariki3 ~]> cat /usr/ports/net-mgmt/zenoss/pkg-message

Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable zenoss:

To initialize zenoss, you can run the following (as root):
service zenoss init


After this will be done, just do `service zenoss start` and it should start.


Tinderboxing kills... the drives.
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