Thank you for your efforts in migrating the ports repository.

On 2012-Jul-16 15:22:13 +0200, Beat Gaetzi <> wrote:
>The ports tree switched to Subversion this weekend. CVS commit mails
>will be turned off soon. If you like to receive the ports commit mails
>from Subversion please subscribe to svn-ports-all@ or svn-ports-head@.

I think this could have been handled a bit better.  By "turned off
soon", I would have expected a couple of days to allow people to read
this mail and take some action.  Instead, the mails were disabled by
simon@ 7 hours after this mail.

IMHO, the src list migration was handled more cleanly - peter@ just
copied the cvs-all and cvs-src list members over to svn-src-all and
shortly after, created a cvs-src-old to allow people time to convert
any scripts that processed CVS commits.  See

Peter Jeremy

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