Op ma 30 jul 2012 21:15:15 schreef Juergen Lock:
> Hi!
>  I had been testing vlc 2.0.x on and off on 8.2 with older ports
> and never could get native video to work (tho audio-only files and
> videos via SDL work), and now I updated that port to 2.0.3 and
> thought why not test it on the laptop that I recently updated to
> 9.1 beta and more up to date ports, and guess what, there it works
> just fine!! :)
>  So now before we can update the port (and at least for a while
> keep the old port as vlc-legacy; I already talked with the maintainer
> who has little time atm) we need to know what to note in the 2.x
> port about when ppl should expect it to work, so testers on various
> FreeBSD versions are needed.

First off my compliments for picking this up.

I for one rather not see a vlc-legacy port. Upstream supports just the one 
version and so should we.

You've marked liveMedia broken, but the update for that is basically done, see 
its commit history: http://www.freshports.org/net/liveMedia/

People using multimedia/phonon-vlc should include this in their testing, for 
this purpose the ABI version number for VLC has to be removed from 

I suggest you distribute a patch here that handles all three simultaneously, 
after that has been tested on as many versions and archs as possible a 
comprehensive UPDATING message can be constructed and where necessary VLC can 
be marked broken, but I suspect there will not be much breakage (Wether or not 
you require SDL for video output can be noted in UPDATING).

I used your patch on my 8.3-RELEASE-p3 amd64 headless box where VLC is used to 
record Axis securityfeeds, so no testing of output there, but what needs to 
work, works.

My 9.0-RELEASE-p3 amd64 desktop (with nVidia graphics) has been running VLC 2 
problem free for six months now, ever since that was requested of me when 
filing a bug + patch @ videolan. It's set for native video output, I can't 
remember having used another setting.
I haven't (yet) used your patch on this box, as it was already running 2.0.3. 
Phonon-vlc also works on this box.

All ports are up-to-date for both mentioned boxes.

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