On Tue, 7 Aug 2012, the wise Ashish SHUKLA wrote:

Hi Marco,

The backtrace you posted doesn't reveal much. And since, I'm not able to reproduce it, it's hard for me to troubleshoot. I suggest posting this to emacs-devel[1] list, or filing a bug report with Emacs[2].

If it resolves for you with some diff, feel free to mention to me.

References: [1] https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-devel/ [2] http://debbugs.gnu.org/db/pa/lemacs.html


Hi Ashish,

Well it seems it had something to do with the FreeBSD base system. I use stable (problems) and you use release (no problem) so I just upgraded to a newer system. And guess what? Until now problem solved! So fingers crossed, and hoping it stays ok.

Thanks for all the help!



The Angels want to wear my red shoes.
                -- E. Costello
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