On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 23:08:03 +0200
nemysis <nemy...@gmx.ch> wrote:

> Hello
> I have made pyglet new version 1.2alpha1 too. Works with amd64 not more only 
> i386.
> This Port works but have not send as a PR, why have seen that this Port need 
> patches
> from
> /usr/include
> to
> ${PREFIX}/include
> Without this ${REINPLACE_CMD} works all and install good.
> Have all this tried but not works
> PORTDATA=       *                                                             
>                             PORTDOCS=       CHANGELOG NOTICE README           
> DATADIR=        ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/${PORTNAME}                              
> PYDISTUTILS_EGGINFO=    ${DISTNAME}-py${PYTHON_VER}.egg-info                  
> #PATCH_FILES=   "pyglet/gl/gl.py pyglet/gl/glext_arb.py pyglet/gl/glext_nv.py 
> pyglet/gl/glu.py \          
> #               pyglet/gl/glx.py pyglet/gl/glxext_arb.py 
> pyglet/gl/glxext_nv.py pyglet/input/evdev_constan
> ts.py \                                                                       
> #               pyglet/libs/x11/cursorfont.py pyglet/libs/x11/xf86vmode.py 
> pyglet/libs/x11/xinerama.py \  
> #               pyglet/libs/x11/xinput.py pyglet/libs/x11/xlib.py 
> pyglet/libs/x11/xsync.py \              
> #               pyglet/media/drivers/openal/lib_alc.py 
> pyglet/media/drivers/openal/lib_openal.py \        
> #               pyglet/media/drivers/pulse/lib_pulseaudio.py"                 
> PATCH_FILES=    gl/gl.py gl/glext_arb.py gl/glext_nv.py gl/glu.py \           
>                 gl/glx.py gl/glxext_arb.py gl/glxext_nv.py 
> input/evdev_constants.py \                     
>                 libs/x11/cursorfont.py libs/x11/xf86vmode.py 
> libs/x11/xinerama.py \                       
>                 libs/x11/xinput.py libs/x11/xlib.py libs/x11/xsync.py \       
>                 media/drivers/openal/lib_alc.py 
> media/drivers/openal/lib_openal.py \                      
>                 media/drivers/pulse/lib_pulseaudio.py                         
> PATCH_FILES_GL= gl.py glext_arb.py glext_nv.py glu.py \                       
>                 glx.py glxext_arb.py glxext_nv.py                             
> .include <bsd.port.options.mk>                                                
> .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>                                                    
> post-patch:                                                                   
>         cd ${WRKSRC}/pyglet/gl/                                               
> .  for p in ${PATCH_FILES_GL}                                                 
>         @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/include|${PREFIX}/include|g' 
> ${PATCH_FILES_GL}                       
> .  endfor
> What can I do to make this Files to patch? I knew to make files with 
> different content as
> files/patch-
> but here are the same content to change and this is Waste to have many patch- 
> files only to change to
> ${PREFIX}/include
> Regards,
> nemysis

Have self found the Solution, sorry for disturbance

        @(cd ${WRKSRC}/pyglet/ && ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 
's|/usr/include|${PREFIX}/include|g' gl/gl.py \             gl/glext_arb.py 
gl/glext_nv.py gl/glu.py gl/glx.py gl/glxext_arb.py gl/glxext_nv.py \           
        input/evdev_constants.py libs/x11/cursorfont.py libs/x11/xf86vmode.py 
libs/x11/xinerama.py \              libs/x11/xinput.py libs/x11/xlib.py 
libs/x11/xsync.py media/drivers/openal/lib_alc.py \           

grep -r /usr/include /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyglet

Nothing found :D

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