On Aug 30, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Julien Laffaye <jlaff...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 8/30/2012 11:19 PM, John Nielsen wrote:
>> I today noticed the "pkg autoremove" command for the first time, which does 
>> much the same thing as pkg_cutleaves but relies on the "automatic" flag in 
>> the pkgng database rather than user input to determine which "leaf" ports 
>> can be removed. Unfortunately, the pkg2ng utility has no way of knowing 
>> which old-style packages it converts were installed automatically as 
>> dependencies, so they are all marked as non-automatic (i.e. user-requested). 
>> In my case, this was not true for the majority of installed ports. Since I 
>> really like this functionality, I decided to update my local package 
>> database to match my preferences.
>> Having succeeded, I decided a tool to make doing so easy could well benefit 
>> others (as well as my future self). (Plus I wanted an excuse to play with 
>> dialog(1) and "pkg query" a bit.) So here's the result. I'm not too attached 
>> to the name. It shouldn't eat your package database or steal your lunch 
>> money, but I'm not responsible if it does. Other than that, feedback is 
>> welcome.
> You want to use `pkg set -A` :)
> We make zero promises concerning the SQL schema in pkgng so it can change at 
> every time and break your script.

Thanks. I looked for something like that but not hard enough obviously. I'll 
change it.

After dialog(1) exits the script has a list of packages to mark as automatic. 
Is there a non-SQL way to efficiently get the inverse? I.e. the set { 
all_packages - new_automatic_package_list } ?


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