On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Jeffrey Bouquet
<jeffreybouq...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Sat, 9/8/12, Kevin Oberman <kob6...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Kevin Oberman <kob6...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [HEADS-UP] Announcing the end of port CVS
>> To: "Jamie Paul Griffin" <ja...@osx.kode5.net>
>> Cc: freebsd-ports@freebsd.org
>> Date: Saturday, September 8, 2012, 2:42 PM
>> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Jamie
>> Paul Griffin <ja...@osx.kode5.net>
>> wrote:
>> > [ Lars Eighner wrote on Fri  7.Sep'12 at 10:00:45
>> -0500 ]
>> >
>> >> On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Beat Gaetzi wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >The development of FreeBSD ports is done in
>> Subversion nowadays.
>> >> >For the sake of compatibility a Subversion to
>> CVS exporter is
>> >> >in place which has some limitations. For CVSup
>> mirroring cvsup
>> >> >based on Ezm3 is used which breaks regularly
>> especially on amd64
>> >> >and with Clang and becomes more and more
>> unmaintainable.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> What exactly is the motivation again for moving
>> from things which work like
>> >> cvsup and gcc to things that are broken or lame
>> like subversion and clang?
>> >
>> > They're not broken. I've recently been using them and
>> they're fine.
>> > There has been plenty of discussion about the reasons
>> for the changes so
>> > have a read from the various sites and list archives.
>> Looks like a troll to me. No one who has worked with
>> subversion for a
>> project of any size would ever want to go back to CVS. While
>> still
>> having some of CVS's limitations, it does far, far more and
>> is much
>> easier to work with for most things. I really miss the
>> forced commit
>> and, for one application, RANCiD, I use CVS so I can grep
>> through the
>> ,v files easily. But I can't see any reason for FreeBSD not
>> to move
>> the the more advanced system.
>> As to clang, there is no choice there. The license on newer
>> version of
>> gcc (GPLv3) is simply not acceptable to the community, so
>> gcc is stuck
>> forever at 4.2 which is getting very old. clang has
>> excellent
>> development support, an acceptable license, and early tests
>> show that
>> it generally compiles faster and MAY even generate better,
>> faster
>> code.
>> --
>> R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
>> E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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>> freebsd-ports@freebsd.org
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>> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports
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> I'd not go so far as to label it trolling....

The language was highly pejorative, so it felt troll like.
> ...
>   I searched quite a bit upon this announcement to find csup > svn equivalent 
> guides and found little applying to ports...
> hopefully they will appear prior to the changeover?, something
> easily learned?

Good point. I found the handbook information adequate, but not as easy
to follow as it might be.
Guess I'll write one. It's really quite easy and much faster then csup.

1. Install devel/subversion
2. Select US east coast or US west as your server. Pick at random or
pick the one closer to you.
3. Rename (mv) ports/distfiles and ports/packages out of /usr/ports
4. rm -r /usr/ports/*
5. svn co http://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/ports/head /usr/ports
   svn co http://svn0.us-east.freebsd.org/ports/head /usr/ports
   Ports will now be checked out of the repository and written to /usr/ports
6. make -f /usr/ports/Makefile fetchindex
7. Move ports/distfiles and ports/packages back into /usr/ports. Since
these directories are not in the repository, they will be ignored by
7. Update ports as needed with 'svn up /usr/ports' and 'make -f
/usr/ports/Makefile fetchindex'
   This step does the equivalent of csup.
8. Use the Subversion manual from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ to
learn how to other things with svn. Of particular interest is 'svn
info /usr/ports and setting up the .subversion file to do things like
ignore some directories.
If you add private ports to /usr/ports, they will be ignored by svn as
they don't exist in the repository.

If anyone has suggestions on other things that belong in this list,
please let me know.
> ....
> (disregarding portsnap for the moment, and I apologize...)
> ....
> (the .htm I saved from the web searches (svn) appear too complex and
> irrelevant to this use case to be of use here...)
> ...
> As a minor aside, /devel/apr1/ is a dependency of subversion at
> least on this machine probably...
> ...

Yes, svn can pull in several dependencies.  I'll admit that I don't
know why apr1 is needed.

> All the many FreeBSD texts I've read and used, maybe one of them
> has a relevant chapter? And/or maybe complete SVN instructions
> should be added to the UPDATING file as well as a section on
> ports in the subversion manpage(s).

Have you read the FreeBSD handbook? It does not have the step-by-step
instructions I listed, but I figured out how to use svn after reading
that information and about 30 minutes of experimentation. Also, these
same instructions can be use (with trivial modification) to update
FreeBSD sources.

> All taken as constructive discussion hopefully.  I re-edited this
> email to make it shorter and less critical...

Yes, this mail expressed reasonable concerns without sounding
confrontational. Hopefully my answers help.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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