On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Jeremy Messenger
<mezz.free...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Jeremy Messenger
> <mezz.free...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The MATE base desktop (x11/mate-base) is ready to use and test. The
>> MATE base is a very lite and lean desktop.
> <snip>
> A bit of FAQ:
> Q: There is problem with pkg-plist.
> A: Yes, I know about that. The reason why I leave complete @dirrm in
> the pkg-plist, so that way I can comparing what's the most common
> @dirrm for I can create matehier (like gnomehier).
> Q: When will MATE ports merge into FreeBSD ports tree.
> A: Even thought if I finished everything with MATE. It won't be merged
> into FreeBSD ports tree unless I get more people to help me with the
> MATE project. Right now, I am only a person that work on MATE. I
> prefer to be least three people.

I have been getting emails about when MATE will be merged into ports
tree. My FAQ above still stands, because I don't have much of time for
FreeBSD right now (since two months so far). I will not put MATE in
the ports tree when I can't give a good promise to keep maintain it.

I have been thinking about put MATE in my github to allow anyone to
fork, pull request and etc. You even can take and maintain it if you
want to. It's below than public domain as I don't care about the
credit in any of ports that I created.

BTW: MATE 1.6 is going to be change with the dependencies if they keep
on target with their roadmap. It's very good changes.
http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/roadmap .. It might be make port GNOME 2
apps to MATE pointless with that kind of changes. It's just a guess,
so I might be wrong or right.


> Q: If there is problem, where do I report to? Send a PR?
> A: Please no PR. I hate GNATS, but we should use it when MATE merges
> into FreeBSD ports tree though. For now, just send me an email or
> gn...@freebsd.org.
> Q: Does MATE conflicts with GNOME 2/3?
> A: No, it's complete parallel even in the ~/.* too.
> Q: Why you won't check on GDM?
> A: Because it's a GNOME applications and I do not want to install any
> extra dependency. :-) But if MATE folks fork the GDM and yes I will
> work on it.
> Q: Is it easy to use MATE with GDM?
> A: I think it should be easy as MATE does provide session files. I
> think GDM will pick up that session and add in the list for which
> desktop you want to log in.
> Q: Does the http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq2.html works for MATE?
> A: Yes, most of them. Same goes for HAL:
> http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/halfaq.html
> Cheers,
> Mezz
> --
> mezz.free...@gmail.com - m...@freebsd.org
> FreeBSD GNOME Team
> http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/ - gn...@freebsd.org

mezz.free...@gmail.com - m...@freebsd.org
http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/ - gn...@freebsd.org
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