Em Qua, 2012-11-07 às 21:37 +1000, Robert Backhaus escreveu:

> I had not problems building, but when I run, I get error messages:
> Dialog: Sorry, we have a problem with the swapping mechanism. Fritzing
> still works, but you won't be able to change parts properties
> While "loading bin: core parts", a dialog that says "Unable to find
> the following 112 parts", and a list starting with
> '3234DBDC00PotnetionmetModuleId' at parts/core/basic_poti.fzp'
> When closing that window (The 'OK' button is unavailable, because it
> is way off the bottom of the screen), we get printed to the console: 
> 7 times:
> QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
> QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
> about 42 times:
> libpng error: PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion
> The program then opens, but, as there are no parts, I can't do much.


I will build a system from ground zero (xorg, qt....) and will test 
hope by tomorrow I will have a clue...

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