On Sunday, 4 November 2012 13:31:46 Chris Rees wrote:
> I think this is very interesting... but I'm not 100% convinced the
> best place for this is in the ports tree.  However, it would improve
> visibility for it, with a good IGNORE message.

Ideally, FreeBSD should have an automagical method of supporting i386 packages 
on an amd64 system.  Please see my reply to Thomas Muller for my thoughts on 
this topic.

> We have a problem however; we can't include bsd.port.pre.mk in a slave
> port.
> The solution I can think of is;
> post-package-script:
>   if [ "${PKG_BIN:T}" = "pkg" ]; then \
>     ${XZ_CMD} -dc ${PKGFILE} | \
>     ${SED} -e "s/^\(arch: freebsd:.*:x86\):32/\1:64/" | \
>     ${XZ_CMD} > ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME}.txz; \
>     ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME}.txz ${PKGFILE}; \
>   fi

Thanks, I've added that to the port and will test it later :-)


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