Mitja wrote:
> Update to Opera 12.11 and Opera-Linuxplugins 12.11 from 12.10 on my FreeBSD 
> 9.1 RC-3 doen't works anymore:
> opera
> libpng error: incorrect data check
> libpng error: incorrect data check
> libpng error: incorrect data check
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Same here (9.1-RC3 amd64):

$ opera 
libpng error: incorrect data check
Bus error: 10

> P.S.
> I used Clang to build Opera.

Not me, just a system's default cc:
  cc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]
Also no CC-related settings in /etc/make.conf .

Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:
> It is quite a while since, but did you update your graphics/png properly?
> Please check /usr/ports/UPDATING 20120531 .

Yes, ports depending on graphics/png were rebuilt in July.

Just in case, I fetched a fresh FreeBSD 9.1 from CVS and re-installed it:

$ uname -a
  Wed Nov 28 16:58:36 CET 2012 mark@xxx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/XXX  amd64

and re-did the "portmaster -r png-" as suggested in UPDATING
(took a day, including qt4 and kde4), then re-installed www/opera.
No change, still: libpng error: incorrect data check, Bus error

Perhaps I should note that my opera is supposed to have
several tabs open in the startup session.

Kevin Oberman  wrote:
> Try "pkg_libchk -o".

All clean, "pkg_libchk -o" is happy, everything else works fine.


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