2012/12/14 Joseph A. Nagy, Jr <jnagyjr1...@gmail.com>

> On 12/14/12 12:17, Christopher J. Ruwe wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hello,
>> using Netbeans I have learned that there is no port for the matching
>> Glassfish application server.
>> Having looked at the Netbeans port, making a port for Glassfish seems
>> not to be a big deal, so I am a bit surprised that noone has stepped
>> forward to contribute one.
That exactly my thought about missing port jboss7. Seems no one cares
except yourself.
Which brings me to be jboss7 maintainer, and probably you to be glassfish
maintainer :)
I would appreciate glassfish port and your efforts.

>> I am willing to be the one to step forward, however, I would like to ask
>> beforehand whether there are any reasons I am not aware of that a port
>> for Glassfish would be undesirable?
>> Thanks for your consideration, cheers,
> <snip>
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/index.html
> While waiting for others to reply, read the above link - beginning to end
> (several times - as that will help you greatly should you go forward with
> this idea.
> --
> Yours in Christ,
> Joseph A Nagy Jr
> "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction
> is stupid." -- Proverbs 12:1
> Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
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