Sorry for the formatting.  (The other webmail I could use is even more 

--- On Sun, 12/23/12, Beach Geek <> wrote:

From: Beach Geek <>
Subject: Re: Upgrading ports problem with portupgrade(pkgng)
Date: Sunday, December 23, 2012, 1:05 PM

On Dec 22, 2012 2:15 PM, "Beach Geek" <> wrote:
> System: FreeBSD/i386 10-current, base/head(src)=r244363,
> I upgraded to r244363 from an Oct 3rd(ish) version. Followed
ports/UPDATING for pkgng to edit make.conf and convert pkgdb.db.
> I'm now trying to update my ports (from tree, not pkgs), and I get:
>     # portupgrade -ae
>     Stale dependency: ORBit2-2.14.19 --> glib-2.28.8_4 -- manually run
'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.
>     # pkgdb -F USING PKGNG pkgdb -F not supported with PKGNG yet. Use
'pkg check' directly.
>     # pkg check -d (also tried pkg check -d -a)
>     #
> Running portupgrade -ae gives same message as before.
> Went to port tree, upgraded glib with 'make deinstall reinstall clean'.
>     # pkg info glib glib-2.28.8_5 Some useful routines of C programming
(current stable version)
> Run portupgrade -ae...... same message.
> Could someone point me in the right direction...
> If I'm misunderstanding the man & wiki pages, please explain (I'll even
wear the pointyhat).
> Thanks, BG

An update.....
4 servers have the problem in my previous post, and I've yet to find a way
to use portupgrade.
Only answers I've received were to use packages via pkgng. (Not an option).

For the other 9 servers, I tried it a little differently.
    -  switch to pkgng
    -  svn base and ports
    -  upgrade base
    -  upgrade ports with portupgrade.

Worked fine for 8 of 9.

Will be rolling the 5 broke servers back (yes, we have bkups) ;)

Will leave the 8 working ones running pkgbg, and see how it goes.

Still wondering, how to repair the database w/o pkgfb -F so portupgrade
will work?

And as I understand,  poudriere must be used instead of portupgrade to
create packages?

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I would hope that pkgng not be the default before someone writes a huge 
flowchart pointing out all or most all of the here-to-there scenarios, for 
instance if
one uses a -devel version of some /devel/ port suddenly, some packages break, 
for instance some machines run v8 some run v10, which ports won't be in the
official build cluster and would commonly need to be built locally, and a slew 
other issues which may be slowly added to the flowchart as the years go by, so 
that questions would be fewer all around.   (Hoping also for a GEOM flowchart, 
a CUPS flowchart, ... but that is off topic for this email...) 

BTW I've a methodology to rapidly dispense with unknown-but-need-upgrading 
dependency upgrading (which just uncovered a slew of ports which won't build, 
most with a similar error) and it heavily relies upon the /var/db/pkg/ 
structure for
ease of use.  I also wish that an adjunct to the pkg(ng) include an option for 
structure so that that ease of use is not abstracted in a yet unknown way.

If this will all be minor issues vs actual implementation of a v10 default pkg 
system, I apologize in advance.  (After all, most or all of the ports which 
currently build here I seldom if ever actually have time to use...) 

J. Bouquet 
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