On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, Marcelo Araujo wrote:
...and the 'portmaster' command finishes.
Do you have any idea as to what is going on? I have never experienced
anything simillar.

Hello Martin,

First of all, thank you so much by the report.
I didn't see it before, looks pretty strange, I need to check whats happen.

My first glance seems that is something related portmaster. However, give
me some time to check it.

Hi Marcelo.

Did you find anything?
I just did a 'portsnap fetch update' and then a complete rebuild of everything; 'portmaster --no-confirm -adgf'

I got a few dialog options for a couple of ports, including ap22-mod_security-2.6.6, at portmaster startup. Ok.
Then portmaster started compiling stuff for 2 hours. Good.
Then a new options dialog for ap22-mod_security-2.6.6 was shown. This dialog should not appear in the middle of the compiling phase, but it does.
Again I press <tab> and <enter> to accept the defaults.
Portmaster continues working for a while but stops at the package creation phase. Now nothing more happen.

'ps' show that a dialog is running:
root 85687 0.0 0.4 13300 3916 ?? Ss 17Dec12 0:31.66 |-- screen -h 10000 -s /usr/local/bin/bash root 85689 0.0 0.0 9196 0 p1 IWs - 0:00.00 | |-- /usr/local/bin/bash root 58419 0.0 0.1 7100 888 p1 I+ 11:34AM 0:03.02 | | `-- /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/portmaster --no-confirm -adgf root 23256 0.0 0.2 7100 2076 p1 I+ 6:25PM 0:00.04 | | `-- /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/portmaster -g -d www/mod_security root 37476 0.0 0.2 3200 1776 p1 IN+ 10:39AM 0:00.08 | | `-- /usr/bin/make package root 37529 0.0 0.2 7100 1624 p1 IN+ 10:39AM 0:00.00 | | `-- /bin/sh -ec cd /usr/ports/www/mod_security && /usr/bin/make do-config; root 37530 0.0 0.2 3200 1764 p1 IN+ 10:39AM 0:00.08 | | `-- /usr/bin/make do-config root 37576 0.0 0.2 7100 1668 p1 IN+ 10:39AM 0:00.06 | | `-- [sh] root 37578 0.0 0.2 7112 2164 p1 IN+ 10:39AM 0:00.02 | | `-- /usr/bin/dialog --checklist Options for ap22-mod_security 2.6.6_1 21 70 15 LUA Embedded Lua language support off MLOGC Build ModSecurity Log Collector off

Again, I press <tab> and <enter> in the terminal even though I don't see any options screen, and portmaster continues executing.

I'm no developer, so I know little of how ports and compiling actually work, but it looks like something go wrong when portmaster is creating the package for ap22-mod_security-2.6.6.

When creating a package, no interactive dialogs should be shown, should there?

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