On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Paul Pathiakis <pathia...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Chris,
> I dug into it hard just a few days ago.
> Here's their issues:
> Like most people who are "solely" Linux (I'm not solely anything, 25+
> years in sysadmin, architecture, internet engineering, etc.), they don't
> understand where /opt came from and what its true, original purpose was.
> (Additional OS enhancement software - directory was created circa 1990).
> Most of the linux world believes that all additional software goes into
> /opt.
> Happily, we have nullfs but more happily, ZFS.
> ZFS creating /opt/zimbra or creating a zpool and zfs'ing it, whatever,
> solves this issue.  (In other words, poor use of auto-configuration tools
> and make variables that allow you to define a DESTDIR instead of hardcoding
> it.)  Performing a softlink or other things causes the install to totally
> blow up.
> They guy who did the attempt at FreeBSD installation, did a decent job at
> figuring this out.  Everything, performing his procedure works as almost as
> directed.
> Things that are not to be liked about it:
> He builds specific packages for the install and bundles them up with the
> install.
> He creates three packages for the install, the builddeps, rundeps and
> source.
> He then almost forces you to use these packages and his 'blessed ports
> packages" that he created to get it to install correctly instead of just
> using ports.
> After all this is installed with pkg_add (I couldn't find any indication
> of pkgng work) The supporting software is installed and ready to go.
> Now, you get to the Zimbra source.  (All 3 software bundles are tar'd and
> gzip'd)  Once the ZCS is unpacked, you run install.sh in its root directory
> and away it goes.
> Once you get by some very strange errors (DNS not configured but it was,
> you have to force it to be your domain, and some other strangeness), you
> work out those few issues and find no errors in the install log(s).
> Awesome....
> The last part of it is the thing starts up and integrates everything....
> (This is something truly impressive:  Apache, OpenSSL (certs get gen'd) ,
> LDAP, MySqeel, Postfix, all the spam, virus, etc packages that go with a
> mail system, and on and on.....  It then tells me everything is running and
> I have to connect to https://<host>:7071..... it just hangs at that
> point....  *shrug*
> I've tried debugging it and I've tried over 10 times of going over
> possible errors.  Nothing.  I tried contacting the author but there seems
> to be an access issue.
> I'll try again soon, however, my company is being built right now....  so
> I have VERY, VERY LIMITED time.  (Yes, it's PC-BSD and FreeBSD based)  I
> was hoping to have a full collaboration suite for MS exchange and Outlook
> drop-in replacement and this looked very promising.  *sigh*
> P.
> ________________________________
>  From: Chris Rees <cr...@freebsd.org>
> To: Paul Pathiakis <pathia...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: "po...@freebsd.org" <po...@freebsd.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 8, 2013 2:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Zimbra Port
> On 29 January 2013 15:22, Paul Pathiakis <pathia...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It looks like they are soooo close here.  Can't ports pick this up and
> put it in the collection?
> >
> > http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zimbra_on_FreeBSD
> >
> > If you look at the Zimbra site for threads there are quite few with
> people asking for Zimbra on FreeBSD.
> At a glance it's a little less trivial than "picking it up and putting
> it in the collection" :)
> It probably wouldn't be too difficult, but someone would need to make
> a tarball of the sources available, which may have licensing issues...
> perhaps you could ask the author how he made the packages?
> Chris

I may able to take a look at this. I was a Zimbra Administrator and have
run into a number of issues that I can solve, and maybe can work with you
on the port.

mail/zimbra or java/zimbra lol..... :)


Jason Helfman          | FreeBSD Committer
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