On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 04:52:22PM +0100, Mickaël Maillot wrote:
> 2013/3/8 Wolfgang Riegler <wolfgang.rieg...@gmx.de>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I do a portsnap fetch update before running poudriere bulk. Is
> > ports/175933 newer? I have Last night same error. I have to install svn
> > first to test the port revision.
> >
> >
> that it: Installing ffmpeg-0.7.15,1
> currently xbmc can not be build with ffmpeg 0.7 installed,

Actually that just mean that ffmpeg 0.7 is in the dependency graph of xbmc,
meaning something needs to be fixed so that xbmc does not depends by anyway on
ffmpeg 0.7.


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