On Sunday, 10 March 2013 00:37:15 poyop...@puripuri.plala.or.jp wrote:
> Hi, good work, David.

Hi Kuro

> It compiles, packages and works flawlessly here for replacement of 1.9
> so far for a week.

Great, thanks.  Good to know :-)
> On my compile box, amd64/Athlon64 5050e 2.6GHz 2 core/8GB,
> memory requirement for translation processes is far less than
> warning shown. It prevents build with
> | warn: this system has insufficient memory, expected at least 9227MiB RAM
> however my translation processes under -DPYPY_IGNORE_MEMORY take 2GB
> for normal binary and 2.5GB for sandboxed one so they aggregate 4.5GB
> to run parallel. 

This is good news.  Could you please detail how you measured peak memory?  I 
might need to retest the port.  

> This is far less than "expected", no page thrashing,
> no hang, no stuttering. It does not matter being with pypy1.9 or pypy2.0
> (yes, I built twice for 2.0 self hosting. Not tried with cPython.)
> So I think this warning is a bit excessive that makes everyone just put
> PYPY_IGNORE_MEMORY=1 in their make.conf. Just in my case.

I'll disable the test for now and revise my estimation.  Thanks for reporting 


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