On 2/11/2013 9:21 AM, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> Right now the default GCC is GCC_DEFAULT_VERSION=    4.6
>> For some time lang/gcc46 doesn't build for me on ia64.
>> However, lang/gcc47 and lang/gcc48 do.
>> There are quite a few ports which I cannot update
>> because they depend on lang/gcc46 via USE_FORTRAN=    yes.
>> So I wonder if there are any side effects or unexpected
>> effects if I just change GCC_DEFAULT_VERSION= to e.g. 4.7?
> this should work.  In my experience most ports that work with
> GCC 4.6 also should with GCC 4.7, and most have USE_GCC=4.6+
> anyway, so other users may well have built them with a later
> version aleady.

Hi Gerald,

I don't think this is working as expected. See also ports/177017 which I
believe is a bsd.gcc.mk issue and not a pkgng or portmaster issue. My
understanding is that this user want

When I change GCC_DEFAULT_VERSION to 4.7, it now depends on the gcc47
package, but still is using lang/gcc:

> $ make -C lang/p5-ExtUtils-F77 -V RUN_DEPENDS
> gcc47:/home/bryan/freebsd/ports/lang/gcc 
> /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4:/home/bryan/freebsd/ports/lang/perl5.12

Bryan Drewery

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