Chris Rees <> wrote:

> On 23 April 2013 20:41, Peter Jeremy <> wrote:
> > On 2013-Apr-20 18:03:17 -0700, Perry Hutchison <> 
> > wrote:
> >>The question is, what (if anything) else -- besides /usr/ports,
> >>/usr/local, /var/db/ports, and /var/db/pkg -- needs to be checkpointed?
> >
> > If you're running any Linux compatibility packages: /compat/linux
> > BOINC packages: /var/db/boinc
> >
> > Unless you've moved to pkgng,
> > $ grep @cwd /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS | grep -v /usr/local
> > will give you an overview of what "unusual" locations have been
> > installed to.
> Actually grep "^@cw*d", because @cd is an equivalent syntax that is
> sometimes used.

A further refinement:

  grep "^@cw*d ." /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS | egrep -v '/usr/local|:@cwd \.$'

The "^@cw*d ." excludes ports (like graphviz) that have an @cwd
without an operand.  The :@cwd \.$ alternative excludes "." as
the operand -- a construct which seems to be fairly common.
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