O. Hartmann wrote on 07.07.2013 12:25:

On boxes running recent /usr/ports and recent soutces( FreeBSD
10.0-CURRENT #0 r252885: Sat Jul  6 16:09:09 CEST 2013) I'm unable to
configure some ports, for instance www/firefox:

/usr/ports/www/firefox # make config
===> Options unchanged

Even performing "make rmconfig" and repeating above procedure doesn't
change anything. I can not change options anymore!

Please CC me, I'm not subsrcribing the list.


I've seen this kind of behaviour with dialog4ports in various situations, but since dialog4ports-0.1.1 or so, I've never encountered this again.

Here's a few shots in the dark:

- Maybe you're running an outdated version of dialog4ports. Remove dialog4ports, then make config in www/firefox again. This will trigger installation of whatever the most recent version of dialog4ports is in your ports tree. - Check your environment. Unset DIALOG4PORTS or DIALOG, if they're set, then try make config again.

MfG CoCo
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