On Wed, 2013-07-31 at 04:53 -0400, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

> Stan,
> This is a interesting question and one that I struggled with back when I
> first came to open source YEARS ago...
> what time and experience will taught me is that, more is almost ALWAYS, NOT
> better... so really there is no upside at all to building all of the ports
> with all of the options... even if it COULD be done...
> on FreeBSD, I can tell you that the packages are build with the default
> options... that is to say... when you type "make install" if the port has
> options, whatever is "checked" when the screen comes up, is what the
> package would have...

Thanks everyone for the replies on this.  The reason I ask is I continue
to struggle to get KDE4 to work the way I want. Or perhaps I should say
the way it works on Linux. I've used FreeBSD for several years, but this
is the first time I'd tried to make a graphical interface work with it.
Perhaps that's a question/problem for another list and best not posted


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