On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:40:53AM -0700, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
> Have a look at the log.  Zend pulls in in php-5.4.  Then squirrelmail 
> tries to pull in php-5.3.  Squirrelmail should fail for php > 5.3, but 
> it doesn't.  You'd have to bug THAT maintainer about it.  This is a 
> problem OUTSIDE MY PORT, so please stop bothering me about it!

The default php is php-5.4, meaning that is is normal that Zend pulls
php-5.4, squirrelmail pulling a non default version is making squirrelmail not
package compliant (as one has to modify it's configuration to require php-5.3

So here we have too bugs: 1 it is impossible for the php framework in ports to
properly handle 2 version of php at the sametime (which I don't think is
possible as-is (would require imho a lot of work). 2 the squirrelmail ports are
not suitable for package building because of 1 and it doesn't depend on the
default php.

A quick fix here is to mark squirrelmail as not package friendly for now.
Do you want me to do that?


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