>From b...@passap.ru Thu Oct 10 15:36:59 2013
>10.10.2013 16:56, Anton Shterenlikht пишет:
>>>From b...@passap.ru Thu Oct 10 13:48:06 2013
>>> 10.10.2013 13:16, Anton Shterenlikht аПаИбˆаЕб‚:
>>>> I'm getting this error:
>>>> => SHA256 Checksum OK for pkg-1.1.4.tar.xz.
>>>> mkdir: /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg/work: Read-only file system
>>>> *** Error code 1
>>>> So something is wrong with my setup?
>>>> Does this look all right:
>>>> # poudriere jails -l
>>>> JAILNAME             VERSION              ARCH    METHOD  PATH
>>>> ia64                 10.0-ALPHA5 r256218  ia64    svn+https /pdr/jails/ia64
>>>> # poudriere ports -l
>>>> PORTSTREE            METHOD     PATH
>>>> default              svn+https  /pdr/ports/default
>>>> # df
>>>> Filesystem                   1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted 
>>>> on
>>>> /dev/da0p2                    60931274 49946430  6110344    89%    /
>>>> devfs                                1        1        0   100%    /dev
>>>> /dev/da0p1                      409504     1184   408320     0%    /efi
>>>> tank/poudriere/data           31736572     1290 31735281     0%    
>>>> /pdr/data
>>>> tank/poudriere/jails/ia64     33931466  2196185 31735281     6%    
>>>> /pdr/jails/ia64
>>>> tank/poudriere/ports/default  32633749   898468 31735281     3%    
>>>> /pdr/ports/default
>>>> tank                          31735313       32 31735281     0%    /tank
>>>> tank/poudriere                31735314       33 31735281     0%    
>>>> /tank/poudriere
>>>> tank/poudriere/jails          31735312       31 31735281     0%    
>>>> /tank/poudriere/jails
>>>> tank/poudriere/ports          31735312       31 31735281     0%    
>>>> /tank/poudriere/ports
>>>> # 
>>>> # grep "^[A-Z]" /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf
>>>> ZPOOL=tank
>>>> FREEBSD_HOST=https://svn0.eu.freebsd.org
>>>> RESOLV_CONF=/etc/resolv.conf
>>>> BASEFS=/pdr
>>>> USE_TMPFS=yes
>>>> DISTFILES_CACHE=/usr/ports/distfiles
>>>> SVN_HOST=svn0.eu.FreeBSD.org
>>>> PKG_REPO_SIGNING_KEY=/root/pkg.key
>>>> CCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/ccache
>>>> SAVE_WRKDIR=yes
>>>> # 
>>>> What am I missing?
>>>> On another box I set up poudriere with no zfs
>>>> and it works all right. So I think I messed up
>>>> the zfs setup.
>>> You may try to use "poudriere testport -i ...". Then poudriere will
>>> not umount jail (it will be umounted when you exit the jail command
>>> propmt) and you may explore the system (i.e. mount, jls, etc.) to
>>> find out what's going on.
>> ok, so after a failure, still in a jail:
>> root@ia64-default:~ # df
>> Filesystem                            1K-blocks    Used    Avail Capacity  
>> Mounted on
>> tank/poudriere/jails/ia64-default-ref  33930819 2198542 31732277     6%    /
>> root@ia64-default:~ # ls -al /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
>> total 15
>> drwxr-xr-x   3 root  wheel     8 Oct  9 13:23 .
>> drwxr-xr-x  85 root  wheel    86 Oct  9 13:23 ..
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  2544 Oct  9 13:23 Makefile
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   127 Oct  9 13:23 distinfo
>> drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel    13 Oct  9 13:23 files
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    87 Oct  9 13:23 pkg-descr
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    73 Oct  9 13:23 pkg-message
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  1420 Oct  9 13:23 pkg-plist
>> root@ia64-default:~ # whoami
>> root
>> root@ia64-default:~ # mkdir /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg/work
>> mkdir: /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg/work: Read-only file system
>> root@ia64-default:~ # 
>> On ufs this would mean something is seriously wrong.
>> But on zfs, I'm not so sure.
>> Perhaps I'm not understanding it right.
>Actually I meant to investigate host, not jail. Jail ment to just
>exist. Sorry to be not clear. (I usually use sysutils/tmux to have
>one seccion and several terminals at a host.) So look at commands
>(at the host, not in the jail): mount, jls. Does somtethig looks

Still no luck. Now I cannot even get 'poudriere testport -i'
to leave the jail intact. I get:

# poudriere testport -i -o ports-mgmt/pkg -j ia64
====>> Creating the reference jail... done
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for pkg-1.1.4.tar.xz.
mkdir: /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg/work: Read-only file system
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
====>> Cleaning up
====>> Umounting file systems

I also tried "-I" option - still the same - the jail
is unmounted after the failure.

This is poudriere-3.0.11.

What else can I try?


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