On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:44:43 -0400
Nikolai Lifanov <lifa...@mail.lifanov.com> wrote:

> Is there any documentation about how to use PKGNG repository
> priorities? I heard that these are available.
> Currently, I have my repository configurations like this:
> 1-myrepo.conf
> 2-anotherrepo.conf
> 3-someotherthirdpartyrepo.conf
> This roughly prefers stuff from what appears first in asciibetical 
> order.
> I would like to use the official FreeBSD package sets, but to do
> this, I need to always prefer a package from a local repository
> (WITH_NEW_XORG, WITH_KMS) if a package is available in it.
> How can I set this kind of preference?
> - Nikolai Lifanov
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According to pkg-repository(5):

     Where several different repositories are configured pkg will search
     amongst them all in the order specified, unless directed to use a
     single repository by the -r -flag -to pkg-fetch(8), pkg-install(8),
     pkg-upgrade, pkg-search or pkg-rquery.  The search order is as
     displayed in the output of

           pkg -v -v

Michael Gmelin
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