2014/1/7 FreeBSD Ports Management Team Secretary <

> In years gone by, and I am thinking of FreeBSD 7.0 specifically, portmgr@
> gave some latitude to *ALL* committers to "just fix things" to get a port
> into shape.  In the case of 7.0, it was making ports build for gcc4.
> What we have laying ahead of us is a ports tree in various states of modern
> preparedness (new style USES=, stagefication, etc) and the old way of doing
> ports (boo!).
> We would like committers, and contributors to generate a PR and/or "just
> fix" the old ports to update them to the new way of doing things regardless
> of maintainership.  We are looking for fixes in the following areas
> - Convert to LIB_DEPENDS
> - stagify ports
> - convert things like USE_GMAKE -> USES=gmake USE_DOS2unix -> USES=dos2unix
>   etc.
> This can be done with implicit portmgr@ blanket approval, and without
> maintainer approval.
> Please, however, respect some boundaries, do not change ports belonging to
> kde@, gnome@ or x11@.  These teams work in private repos that may have
> changes pending.
> Also, cross reference GNATS, to see if a port has an open PR that you can
> factor into the fix.  It is important to stress here that we *DO NOT* want
> to invalidate existing patches that a maintainer has offered up or already
> approved.
> If the change is very trivial AND has been tested, "just fix it".  One of
> the strengths of the Ports Collection is it's volunteer maintainers, if you
> make a change, regardless of how trivial, just send a courtesy email to the
> maintainer.

Hello all.
I made list of ports which have USE_* in them,  here's link:

http://gits.kiev.ua/ports/ports-use.txt (plain)
http://gits.kiev.ua/ports/ports-use.txt.xz (compressed)

There's two parts in file - simple stats about which USE_* how often
totally appears in ports;
And second - for each that USE_* list of ports.

I'm supposing these USE_* -> USES conversion vary in difficulty, so I
thought if someone discovers some easy one, it better be to have list of
ports it's used in immediately, so it can be massively fixed.
Happy hacking to all :)

> http://blogs.freebsdish.org/portmgr/2014/01/07/blanket-approval-to-modernize-the-ports-tree/
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Alexander Yerenkow
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