> Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 07:27:45 -0600
> From: bdrew...@freebsd.org
> To: andrew.hot...@hotmail.com
> CC: po...@freebsd.org; verma...@interia.pl
> Subject: Re: [patch] sysutils/beadm
> On 2/13/2014 4:19 PM, Andrew Hotlab wrote:
>> First of all, thank you very much for the good work with this port. I'm sure 
>> it's changing the life of a lot FreeBSD system administrators!
>> In my setup I have the following layout (several datasets for /usr, /var, 
>> etc.):
>> sys 1.55G 18.0G 31K none
>> sys/ROOT 532M 18.0G 31K none
>> sys/ROOT/default 114K 18.0G 250M /
>> sys/ROOT/default/tmp 22K 18.0G 38K /tmp
>> sys/ROOT/default/usr 1K 18.0G 245M /usr
>> sys/ROOT/default/var 48.5K 18.0G 36.4M /var
>> sys/swap 1.03G 19.0G 16K -
>> At this moment the utility does not seems to be able to manage this scheme, 
>> since it sets the mountpoint property as "legacy" for all datasets under the 
>> root, thus preventing to automatically mount any subdirectory at boot.
>> I've tested this simple solution (to let do the job to the canmount 
>> property), and it seems to solve the problem without affecting the behavior 
>> when all system folders are located under a single root dataset (please see 
>> the patch below). I'd be glad if you'll include it in the next port revision.
> ACK on this. CC'ing upstream maintainer too.
> I run the same setup but I specifically set /usr /var and /tmp mntpoints
> to /usr,/var/,/tmp to avoid this issue. I am not sure if mntpoint=/ is
> proper. I recall there being an issue with it. I would much prefer your
> patch though if it is safe.
> Does beadm mount still work with this to mount a new BE into /tmp?
> Ie,
> beadm create newbe
> beadm mount newbe
> Does it go and remount / or only touch /tmp?

It seems to behave correctly, as you can see in the attached transcript.

> How about activating? Does it blow away / right away or wait until reboot?

Since beadm changes only the "canmount" ZFS property to set the active 
environment for the next reboot, there is no implications for the running 


root@BETEST:~ # zfs list -t all
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
sys                            1.55G  18.0G    31K  none
sys/ROOT                        535M  18.0G    31K  none
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2             535M  18.0G   251M  /
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/tmp          36K  18.0G    36K  /tmp
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr         247M  18.0G   247M  /usr
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/obj      31K  18.0G    31K  /usr/obj
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/ports    31K  18.0G    31K  /usr/ports
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/src      31K  18.0G    31K  /usr/src
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/var        35.8M  18.0G  35.8M  /var
sys/swap                       1.03G  19.0G    16K  -
root@BETEST:~ # beadm list
BE         Active Mountpoint  Space Created
RELENG_9_2 NR     /          533.9M 2014-01-13 12:38
root@BETEST:~ # beadm create test
Created successfully
root@BETEST:~ # zfs list -t all
NAME                                                USED  AVAIL  REFER  
sys                                                1.55G  18.0G    31K  none
sys/ROOT                                            535M  18.0G    31K  none
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2                                 535M  18.0G   251M  /
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2@2014-02-19-17:03:49                0      -   251M  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/tmp                              36K  18.0G    36K  /tmp
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/tmp@2014-02-19-17:03:49            0      -    36K  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr                             247M  18.0G   247M  /usr
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr@2014-02-19-17:03:49            0      -   247M  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/obj                          31K  18.0G    31K  /usr/obj
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/obj@2014-02-19-17:03:49        0      -    31K  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/ports                        31K  18.0G    31K  
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/ports@2014-02-19-17:03:49      0      -    31K  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/src                          31K  18.0G    31K  /usr/src
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/src@2014-02-19-17:03:49        0      -    31K  -
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/var                            35.8M  18.0G  35.8M  /var
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/var@2014-02-19-17:03:49            0      -  35.8M  -
sys/ROOT/test                                         7K  18.0G   251M  /
sys/ROOT/test/tmp                                     1K  18.0G    36K  /tmp
sys/ROOT/test/usr                                     4K  18.0G   247M  /usr
sys/ROOT/test/usr/obj                                 1K  18.0G    31K  /usr/obj
sys/ROOT/test/usr/ports                               1K  18.0G    31K  
sys/ROOT/test/usr/src                                 1K  18.0G    31K  /usr/src
sys/ROOT/test/var                                     1K  18.0G  35.8M  /var
sys/swap                                           1.03G  19.0G    16K  -
root@BETEST:~ # beadm mount test
Mounted successfully on '/tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT'
root@BETEST:~ # mount
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2 on / (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/tmp on /tmp (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr on /usr (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/obj on /usr/obj (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/ports on /usr/ports (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/src on /usr/src (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/var on /var (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/test on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/test/tmp on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/tmp (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/test/usr on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/usr (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/test/usr/obj on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/usr/obj (zfs, local, noatime, 
sys/ROOT/test/usr/ports on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/usr/ports (zfs, local, 
noatime, nfsv4acls)
sys/ROOT/test/usr/src on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/usr/src (zfs, local, noatime, 
sys/ROOT/test/var on /tmp/BE-test.PSDl70lT/var (zfs, local, noatime, nfsv4acls)
root@BETEST:~ # beadm umount test
Unmounted successfully
root@BETEST:~ # beadm activate test
Activated successfully
root@BETEST:~ # beadm list
BE         Active Mountpoint  Space Created
RELENG_9_2 N      /          104.5K 2014-01-13 12:38
test       R      -          534.0M 2014-02-19 17:03
root@BETEST:~ # zfs list -o name,used,avail,mountpoint,canmount
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  MOUNTPOINT  CANMOUNT
sys                            1.55G  18.0G  none              on
sys/ROOT                        535M  18.0G  none              on
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2             136K  18.0G  /             noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/tmp          23K  18.0G  /tmp          noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr           1K  18.0G  /usr          noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/obj        0  18.0G  /usr/obj      noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/ports      0  18.0G  /usr/ports    noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/usr/src        0  18.0G  /usr/src      noauto
sys/ROOT/RELENG_9_2/var        73.5K  18.0G  /var          noauto
sys/ROOT/test                   535M  18.0G  /                 on
sys/ROOT/test/tmp                60K  18.0G  /tmp              on
sys/ROOT/test/usr               247M  18.0G  /usr              on
sys/ROOT/test/usr/obj            32K  18.0G  /usr/obj          on
sys/ROOT/test/usr/ports          32K  18.0G  /usr/ports        on
sys/ROOT/test/usr/src            32K  18.0G  /usr/src          on
sys/ROOT/test/var              35.9M  18.0G  /var              on
sys/swap                       1.03G  19.0G  -                  -
root@BETEST:~ # 
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